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Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 17:06:08 -0800
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: bblevins@moscow.com (Bryan Blevins)
Subject: Re: Q-Motion VS. Fast F P/S 60 Card? comments?
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
> Well, can anyone comment about these two cards..which one gives better
>The f p/s/60 looks nice..comes with mpeg encoder software, non-linear
>edting, has simultaneous video overlay and output with s-vhs quality..full
>screen, full motion video..
>it is ISA..captures at 30 frames per second with 60 feilds..output studio
>quality 4:2:2, 24-bit true color..coes with premier 4.0 and photoshop 4.0 LE
>The q-motion also does 640x400, 60 frames per second (thats what the article
>said)..it uses j-peg compression..this card captures video too..
Where did you hear of these cards? Magazines? Which ones? Got any Phone #?